An Inspired Poem: To Be of Love

We are taught to be of value
To weigh worth in output, in proof, in praise.
To measure ourselves in tasks completed,
In goals achieved, in ladders climbed.
But what if we are not here
To earn our place, to justify our space?
What if we are not coins to be spent,
Nor tools to be sharpened and used?
What if instead, we are of love?
Not something to be measured, but something to be felt.
Not something to prove, but something to give.
To be of love is to stand still
In a world that demands motion.
To be of love is to soften
Where the world says, "Be strong."
It is to listen with presence,
Not to respond, but to understand.
It is to hold without fixing,
To witness without judgment.
To be of love is to leave footprints,
Not in sand, but in souls.
To be remembered not for what we did,
But for how we made others feel.
So let us release the need to be useful,
To be worthy, to be enough.
Let us, instead,
Be of love.
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