Breaking Through the "That's How We've Always Done It" Barrier


Change is the only constant in life, and the same holds true for organizations. There comes a pivotal moment in every organization's lifecycle when change is not merely an option but a requisite for growth and survival. Yet, when leaders seek to implement transformative changes, they often confront a monolithic wall of resistance labeled, "That's how we've always done it." But great leaders, leaders who are grounded, know how to navigate this resistance to bring about effective organizational change. Below, we dig deeper into each phase of this change journey, providing concrete examples and fresh perspectives to enrich your leadership toolkit.

Assess the Landscape

  • The Unseen Obstacle: Before introducing any change, understand that people are emotionally invested in existing procedures. These processes have names, histories, and even mascots. They are like members of a family, making it essential to approach change with empathy.
  • The Change Resistance Audit: Conduct a survey or a series of interviews to identify the key stakeholders and their specific concerns. The data collected should go beyond surface-level resistance and explore underlying issues, biases, or fears.

Lead with Vision

  • The Power of 'Why': Articulate the 'why' behind the change, appealing not just to organizational goals but also to the shared values and vision of the workforce. A compelling narrative can be a game-changing weapon in your leadership arsenal.
  • Shared Dreaming: Involve your team in visualizing the outcomes of successful change. This participatory approach can turn resistant members into active contributors.

Operationalize the Change

  • The Pilot Program: Before rolling out the change organization-wide, conduct a pilot program within a smaller team. The microcosm will provide invaluable insights and allow you to make data-driven adjustments.
  • Tactical Transparency: Be transparent about what's working and what's not. Regularly share updates, and don't shy away from admitting when adjustments are needed.

Unearth the Hidden Champions

  • The Quiet Advocates: In every organization, there are individuals who are quietly discontented with the status quo but haven't yet found their voice. Identify these hidden champions and arm them with the authority to be change agents.
  • Celebrate Early Wins: Small wins can create a snowball effect. Publicly recognize and reward those who adapt quickly and contribute effectively to the change.

Cultivating a Culture of Adaptability

Leading change in a resistant environment is akin to sailing against the current; it demands more than skill—it requires courage. The steps outlined above are not quick fixes but rather guideposts on a longer journey toward instilling a culture of adaptability and growth. As you navigate change, remember that the strongest leaders are those who listen, empathize, and inspire. With intention and strategy, you can turn the tides and lead your organization toward uncharted waters of success.


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