

Inspiring Vision: Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia

"The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible."

The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is more than an architectural marvel; it's a living symbol of the power of persistence, purpose, and vision. Designed by Antoni Gaudí and under construction for over a century, this cathedral challenges our modern fixation on quick results. Unlike most landmarks, its appeal doesn't lie in its finished state but in its eternal state of becoming.…

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Turning Personal Quirks into Superpowers


"What makes you different or weird, that's your strength." – Meryl Streep

Let's talk about those unique traits that we often dismiss - qualities that, upon closer inspection, are nothing short of superpowers in disguise. Take my wife, for instance. She possesses an incredible degree of patience. It may look like procrastination to the casual observer, but it is a finely tuned sense of timing. She waits for the perfect moment to act and invariably nails it when she does.

Then there's me. I have…

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Why Coloring Outside the Lines is Essential for Leaders


Play is not just for children—I believe it’s vital to a healthy and fulfilling adult life, especially as a business leader. As the saying goes, sometimes we need to color outside the lines and see what happens.

Have you ever observed a young child picking up a crayon and creating art? The sheer excitement and energy they bring to the paper is truly captivating. Their joy is evident in the way they scribble, their imaginative designs, and their bold and unexpected color choices.

When they a…

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How Grateful Leaders Foster Connection and Disrupt the Status Quo


In an era where leaders are urged to push boundaries, drive innovations, and relentlessly aim for growth, the idea of expressing gratitude might seem quaint, if not utterly irrelevant. But herein lies a counterintuitive wisdom: While aspiring to change the world, the most revolutionary act a leader can take is often the simplest – cultivating gratitude.

Gratitude has long been the subject of various spiritual teachings and psychological studies, but its revolutionary potency in organizational s…

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From the Dead Sea to a Sea of Opportunities


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." – Marcel Proust

Have you ever wondered why the Dead Sea in Israel is called 'dead'? It is fed by multiple river systems, yet no water can flow out from it; it is a cul-de-sac in nature. With no egress, the salt content continually escalates to extreme levels, rendering the environment too harsh for life to thrive. However, if the Dead Sea had an outlet, the constant influx and drainage of water would c…

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Inspiring Vision: Mont Saint Michel


"Nature is the greatest painter, and we are the apprentices, learning to imitate her grand designs." – Unknown

Mont Saint Michel, the iconic island commune in Normandy, France, is a testament to human ingenuity and resilience. With its awe-inspiring abbey perched atop a rocky hill, it is surrounded by tidal waters that have fascinated visitors for centuries. This architectural marvel seamlessly blends with the natural landscape, symbolizing a harmonious connection between humankind and the envi…

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Inspiring Vision: Battersea Power Station


"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." – Alan Watts

Once an industrial behemoth, London's Battersea Power Station stood dormant for years until its recent monumental renovation. What used to produce power for the city has been reimagined as a vibrant hub of homes, offices, and cultural spaces. It's a remarkable testament to how something old and seemingly irrelevant can be breathed new life into, morphing into something completely diff…

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The Check Engine Light: Recognizing and Preventing Burnout


"It's not the load that breaks you, it's the way you carry it." – Lou Holtz

Much like a vehicle's engine working at high RPMs for extended distances, we, too, risk burnout when constantly operating at peak performance. Unlike a car that has a clear "Check Engine Light," our own warning system can be less obvious. Recognizing our own signs is a sophisticated art. So, let's deepen our understanding of these symptoms and explore the nuanced strategies that can help us navigate away from the brink …

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Lessons from Rick Rubin and Questlove


By following the lessons of Rick Rubin and Questlove, you can cultivate a practice for creativity that leads to breakthrough ideas and impactful work.

Creativity is a crucial skill for success in any field. It allows us to approach problems with fresh perspectives, generate innovative ideas, and find new solutions. However, creativity is not a gift that some people are born with; it is a skill that can be developed through practice. So, how can you create these practices? Let’s learn from…

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Us and Them: Two Sides of Emotional Intelligence


Are there any Pink Floyd fans out there?

I was recently working with a client on the five foundations of emotional intelligence and realized the Pink Floyd song “Us and Them” might be a great way to look at it. In fact, once you have read this article, you might want to go and enjoy the song. I will put a link at the bottom.

To connect with others meaningfully, we first have to connect with ourselves because if you can’t understand yourself, then you certainly can’t understand others.


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