
Campfire Lessons For Leaders is Live! Let's Share the Inspiration!

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I am excited to share some fantastic news: Campfire Lessons for Leaders: How Uncovering Our Past Can Propel Us Forward is now officially live and available to readers!

I have received so many messages of support and wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the encouragement. It's so wonderful to hear all the fantastic feedback and feel the support of so many people helping to bring this book out into the world. We truly don't do it alone!

Your continued support means the world to me, and I a…

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An Inspired Poem: Campfires of Connection


Beneath a tapestry of stars so bright,
Around the campfire's warm, embracing light,
We gather close, our hearts begin to yearn
For tales that touch the soul and make us learn.

In flickering flames, our faces softly glow,
Reflecting stories only hearts can know.
Each ember sparks a memory, a dream,
In the campfire's dance, our thoughts convene.

Whispers of the forest gently sway,
As stories from our lips, in turn, convey
The essence of our journeys, hopes, and fears,
In this sacred space, truth…

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Improving Leadership: How To Be An Impactful Leader In Your Organization With Ed Batista

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Gracing this episode with his expertise is Ed Batista, an executive coach. Ed recounts his flashpoints leading to his coaching career. He also shows his expertise in working with leaders by providing insights on managing relationships with key employees, improving leadership team dynamics, and transitioning from technical expert to leader. Ed brings so much value to the culture established in the company and how leaders should care for themselves. Why don’t you pause for a minute and ponder ho…

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Inspiring Vision: Paro Taktsang Temple

Paro Taktsang

"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." – Confucius

Nestled on the edge of a cliff in the Himalayan mountains, the Paro Taktsang Temple, also known as the Tiger's Nest Monastery, in Bhutan offers more than just breathtaking views; it serves as a poignant metaphor for leadership. This sacred site demands a strenuous hike to reach its serene chambers, much like the challenging path leaders often face in their quest for wisdom, authenticity, and impact. But…

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Time-Travel Model for Transformational Leadership


"The true essence of leadership is temporal agility – navigating the past with empathy, the future with vision, and the present with actionable intent."

As leaders, we are often encouraged to focus on the here and now or to look to the horizon, planning the next milestone. But what if the key to impactful leadership lies in a different place – across the continuum of time itself?

When I work with clients, I introduce them to the Time-Travel Model for transformational leadership. This three-dim…

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Simple Seed: Nurturing Resilient And Empowered Children With Katie Wood

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Plant the seeds of gratitude and mindfulness early, and watch the world bloom with resilient, empowered children. In today's inspiring episode, we have the pleasure of hosting Katie Wood, the visionary founder of Simple Seed, who's on a mission to sow the seeds of mindfulness and gratitude in the hearts of young minds. Today, she’ll discuss the magic of gratitude, mindfulness, and the power of positivity, especially when it comes to our children's growth and development. Katie shares how Covid…

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Finding Fulfillment in Life's Little Pleasures


“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." – Robert Brault

In a world that often emphasizes the importance of material possessions and external achievements, it can be easy to overlook the simple pleasures that bring us joy and fulfillment. Research shows that true happiness does not come from the big moments but from the little moments that make up our everyday lives.

Fulfillment comes from the simple things, the little moments that we often…

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Proactive Communication: Why it's Everyone's Responsibility


In today's fast-paced business world, proactive communication is more important than ever. And while many believe that it's the sole responsibility of leadership to drive this culture, the reality is that everyone has a role to play.

A proactive culture is one where communication is not just about responding to messages or putting out fires but rather anticipating and addressing issues before they become problems. It's a culture where everyone takes ownership of their communication and understa…

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Prep, Push, Pivot: Career Transitions And Limitless Potential With Octavia Goredema

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Your worth is not measured by validation from others; it's discovered by recognizing your own value. Join us in this episode as our guest,Octavia Goredema, author of Prep, Push, Pivot and How to Change Careers talks about the underrepresented women in the workplace and the power of knowing your worth. Octavia shares her journey, showcasing the significance of not imposing limits on your own potential. She reminds us that our potential is limitless, and we often underestimate the power of our u…

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Inspiring Vision: Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia

"The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible."

The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is more than an architectural marvel; it's a living symbol of the power of persistence, purpose, and vision. Designed by Antoni Gaudí and under construction for over a century, this cathedral challenges our modern fixation on quick results. Unlike most landmarks, its appeal doesn't lie in its finished state but in its eternal state of becoming.…

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