

Seeds of Connection: Harnessing the Power of Conversations for Peace and Fulfillment


"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them." – Ralph G. Nichols

Every so often, stories emerge about individuals or organizations achieving the seemingly impossible. A few hours north of where I live on the east coast of the United States is a unique summer camp named "Seeds of Peace," which serves as a beacon of hope. Its mission? Facilitating dialogue between Palestinian and Israeli children who are in…

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An Inspired Poem: Embrace Your Inner Oddity


Sing not the song of common creed,

But let your quirks and oddities lead,

For in those twists and turns of mind,

A unique you, the world will find.

A walk that's strange, a laugh that's wild,

An imagination of a child,

Embrace these things, hold them dear,

They're what make you, you, quite clear.

What some may call your 'weird,' your 'strange,'

Is your beauty, broad in range,

A mystic dance, a vibrant flare,

An individual soul, so rare.

Let not the world your spirit tame,

Let not th…

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TEDx Talk on Creating a More Human Workplace


"If you want people to trust you at work, showing them who you really are gives them permission to show up as their real selves too."

The call for a more connected and human-centered workplace is louder than ever. It is a topic close to my heart and one that I have been passionately exploring.

I am deeply humbled and honored to share with you my recent TEDx Talk, "Don't Check Yourself at the Door: How to Share Your True Self." In this talk, I introduce my CORE methodology aimed at helping us a…

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Inspiring Vision: MSG Sphere


"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." – Arthur C. Clarke

The MSG Sphere in Las Vegas is not just an architectural marvel but a testament to human creativity and technological prowess. Its immersive audio-visual experience encapsulates the transformative power of innovation, redefining how we perceive and engage with entertainment. From its stunning spherical design to the largest and highest resolution LED screen in th…

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An Inspired Poem: Seeds of Tomorrow


In gardens of commerce and fields of thought,

A regenerative leader tirelessly sought,

Not merely to take but to plant anew,

Seeds of wisdom, love, and virtue.

With hands soiled in care and mind robust,

A vision clear, in future trust,

Sows ideas like trees that grow,

Roots entrenched where bright tomorrows glow.

Not for the now, but for what's ahead,

For those unseen, unheard, unfed,

A conscious path that minds the Earth,

A way of leading, giving birth.

To dreams sustainable, pure, …

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Finding Freedom Through Exploration and Boundaries


Life is an adventure, and every day presents us with opportunities to explore new territory and new possibilities and to expand our horizons. However, with so much to see and experience, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. That's why it's important to create beautiful and powerful boundaries that can help guide us toward our goals and filter out distractions.

Exploring new territory is essential for personal growth and development. It allows us to challenge ourselves and learn new thin…

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What Is Value Creation? How to Define and Achieve Value


Value creation is a term often used in the world of business and leadership. But what does it mean, and why is it important? At its core, value creation refers to the process of increasing the overall value of a product, service, or company, either through innovation, efficiency, or other means. But this definition can be quite broad, and for leaders looking to create value, it's essential to understand what specific value they want to create and how to achieve it.

One of the key challenges of …

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Who's in the Empty Chair? Understanding All Stakeholders in Decision-Making


In the shifting landscape of business, making decisions that effectively balance the interests of various stakeholders is a critical skill. Every decision, from launching a new product to restructuring an organization, affects a wide range of stakeholders. Therefore, it is crucial to understand who they are, what they need, and how your decisions might impact them. This brings us to an interesting concept - "Who is represented by the empty chair?"

The empty chair concept is a simple yet powerfu…

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The Unexpected Upsides: Embracing the Side Effects of Self-Awareness


While we often associate side effects with adverse outcomes, particularly in the realm of medicine, what if we flipped the script?

In the medical field, side effects are typically warnings, cautioning us about potential unwanted consequences. But what if we looked at side effects as unexpected benefits? Applying this innovative perspective to self-awareness allows us to see how this essential quality can lead to transformative life changes. Let’s explore self-awareness not just as a core skill …

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The Courage to Say No: Embracing Essentialism


Finding the courage to say no to what's nonessential gives you the freedom to say yes to a world of things that are

In our fast-paced, hyper-connected world, the ability to say 'no' is becoming an increasingly valuable skill. Amid the constant barrage of opportunities, tasks, and distractions, we need to focus on what truly matters. This echoes the core tenet of Greg McKeown's book 'Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less,' where he advocates for the deliberate prioritization of the essen…

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