

Charting a Fearless Path: Discovering Your Inner Growth Compass


"You have within you right now everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." – Brian Tracy

Do you know how to access your own inner growth compass? Navigating the complexities of business, life, and relationships can be daunting, and it is not always clear which direction to take. In the midst of uncertainty, how can you be sure you are on the right path? It is essential to learn how to access your inner growth compass and trust its guidance.

Many people believe that i…

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The Power of Artful Connection: Expressing What It Means to Be Alive


"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." – Edgar Degas

I recently did a Google search on the subject line of "life is…" Would you like to know what I came up with? I found a series of quotes. Here are a few. "Life is a game. Life is a journey. Life is a long lesson in humility. Life is jazz and works best when you improvise." My personal take on the subject is that "life is art," and the part that intrigues me the most is what I call "artful connection."

In a world where confor…

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An Inspired Poem: Climbing the Right Mountain


Climbing the right mountain, a journey of the soul

An adventure that beckons, to reach a new goal

A quest for meaning, a path to be found

To climb the right mountain, and stand on sacred ground

The path is winding, and the climb is steep

Challenging at times, with obstacles to defeat

But with every step, a new strength is gained

And the spirit is lifted, to ascend and remain

The view from the top, a reward beyond compare

A vista of wonder, a vision so rare

A glimpse of heaven, in this …

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